Thursday, December 4, 2014

Week 41 Year 1

One Word...Trooper! Okay really 2 words...Super Trooper! No, seriously...we threw at you more than any well adjusted and well rested adult could handle and you rocked it sweet baby girl! Huge giant kudos! You had a melt down here and there but on a scale of 1 to 10 you get a 100! Thank you so much for handling this Thanksgiving so well! Any time we go to Texas, we can expect to be spread thin. We have on a minimum 5 houses to visit in 2 to 3 days. That's a lot of driving, a lot of new faces and well, a lot!

On Thanksgiving morning we flew to Love Field, rented a car and drove straight to Auntie M's! This is Gmomma's side of the family! Your cousins; Savannah, Cooper & Jackson were there and they LOVE to love on you! We had a wonderful visit full yummy food, a quick fashion show, quirky chickens, fun family and priceless moments!

Then we were off to Aunt Deen Deen's house! By the time we got there several main characters had already left but it was kind of nice for it to be quiet and intimate. We got some good quality time with them! They were so excited to see you! You even got some early Christmas presents!

And as if that weren't enough, we then went to Naw Naw and Grandad's house! It was such a whirlwind of a visit, I forgot to take pictures! THEN we drove to Aunt Christi's to spend the night! All of that in one day!

The next morning, we visited with the Tracy family for a while and then we went back to Grandad's for a while. You fell asleep on the way there so we let you rest. By the time you woke up, Gavin had fallen asleep and you guys didn't get to spend hardly anytime together! Next time though!

Then it was off to Great Grandad's house! You were a little shy at first but once you got comfortable you were being your normal silly selft! You, me and Uncle Mark played several rounds of "ring arond the rosies"! it was fun! After that we all met up for dinner! It was late but you hung in there like a champ!

You decided to get up super early the next morning...yay...but we had some really sweet moments just the two of us! We played "tick tock" in the basket and I watched you in awe exploring your surroundings!

Not too much after that we adventured off to Mimi's house for a quick visit before jumping into the car for a quick 4 hour drive that turned into the world's longest 6 hour drive! Holiday traffic is never fun and this was when you decided to have your meltdowns! It was great when we finally got there and could relax and play!

 The next morning we had the rehearsal for the wedding followed by the real deal! I was so glad to see some children your age there that you were had fun playing with! You did such a great job in the wedding! You walked down the aisle like a pro!

I'm so proud of you baby! Just one short year ago you crawled for the first time! How is that possible!? How does time go by so quickly!?

I hope you are as happy as we are! You are beyond loved!
Mommy & Daddy

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