Sunday, November 20, 2016

3 3/4 Years

Reme Lynn,

Oh baby girl how you've changed. I don't even know where to start....

Lots of "firsts" these past few months!

You're very funny! You love to say POOP!

Month 5 - (June 20th through July 19th)
The Whiny Phase - Bath time - Dinner time - Morning time - All the time
Lego Phase

Bath Together "'s work?" Out of nowhere the question popped out of your mouth. I didn't know what to say. Work has been hard. Busy. A little on the stressful side. I do try to explain to you what I do. I tell you about commercial shoots, my clients, meetings and my co-workers. You even sat through a meeting one time. You were perfect. Like you knew it was important. Everyone there was impressed!

Your daddy and I celebrated our 6th year of marriage on the June 26th and you were very upset that we were going out to eat. You wanted to come with us. Angie came over to stay with you and I haven't seen you this upset in a long time. It was hard to leave you. Angie asked to see your new room and you said, "go see" and she did, thinking that you would follow her. Then she heard the sliding glass door. She ran downstairs to find out almost half way around the house! It was very scary for her. She had to play with you in her car until you calmed down.

You're very clever! You played your first "trick"!

Word pronunciations -
"Scunscreen" - Sunscreen
"Ocopus" - Octopus
"Morn" - More
"Musekick" - Music

Your favorite books are "Walter the Farting Dog" (but we say tooting) & "Green Eggs and Ham"

Suddenly you are terrified of fireworks. This 4th of July you refused to watch them and screamed in terror. Even sparklers!

The Village Littles
You are all growing so quickly! This was just before your meltdown about the fireworks. We had to watch them from the car in the driveway listening to the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack.

One bath chat with Gmomma, you playfully asked "Where's Mommy" and Gma said, "Where is your mommy" and you said, "probably at Target"! So true!

You had a dizzy spell at school which scared us all. I thought it was most likely that you haven't been wearing your glasses lately and may not have had enough water to drink that day. The doctor said you looked fine but when we were discussing your daily routine, I mentioned to her that bedtime was a two hour ordeal. A friend of mine told me about a technique she used to get her children to go to sleep on their own and it has worked like a charm. Bath, teeth, read, essential oils, massage, pray, sing and a kiss goodnight. You have a signature YAWN that signals the time is near! Then we check on you in increasing minutes. First one minute, then two, then three...

We had our annual Tutus shoot with Audrey and Emma and you guys were as about cute as they get. You did a great job setting an example for the younger girls.

One weekend morning you got up WAY too early and I told you it wasn't time to get up because the sun wasn't up yet. Now in the morning when the sun is shining you run into the room and say, "It's SUNNY day momma! Let's play!"

Month 6 (July 20th - August 19th)

We went on our first camping trip. For real this time...outside and every thing! It was a blast.
Rock Exploring
Skinned Knee
Scary Bugs
Getting caught in the rain after a shower
Making the perfect s'more
1st sunburn :-(

Gmomma & PoppaG came to Nashville for a visit
Minnie Mouse Cash Register
Board Game & Play Doh Marathon
Lots of giggles
Nashville Shores
Lazy River Meltdown (you did NOT like the lazy river. Or the loud noises. Or being splashed)
Ship slide marathon
"Where'd our best friends go?" - you kept saying this after they left

You melt my heart when you say, "You're my favorite mommy"


Cinderella Puppet Show at the Downtown Library 

For summer vacation this year we met the Miller/Collin clan "in the middle" in Columbus, OH and visited the Columbus Zoo. It was an extremely hot day and the animals weren't very active but we still had a great time. You rode a pony all by yourself! Surprised us all. Normally, you wouldn't do something like that without us walking beside you.

Class Orientation - Classroom A : Ms. Kandice is your teacher and she's wonderful

First day of school 2016-2017 
That's the Azalea bush we planted this spring

First Day of school success celebration

 Harrison's 4th birthday

 Frozen Yogurt Treat

 You discovered your Ursula costume!

Let's the fair season begin!
 Wilson County Fair

Social Studies

Month 7 (August 20th - September 19th)

New Tap and Ballet Lessons Begin at Burlingame Dance Studios

Labor Day Trip to "Tex-Nas"

First Stop - Lunch with Papaw

A weekend full of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, snacks, the lake, boats and fun!

Granddad made you a golden princess pillow 

 You are loving ballet! (Tap, not so much)

Tennessee State Fair

Celebrating Sasha's 3rd birthday

Mornings have been rough so we are working on time management!

 Your first haircut

We treated ourselves to a spa day and tickets to see the Nashville Ballet's Cinderella 

A touch of magic fairy dust

 It was a special night. We loved the ballet. Every person that saw you gasped at your beauty!

Annual TN Volunteers Game Watching

Month 8 (September 20th - October 19th)

Back to Gymnastics (you are thrilled)


A Visit to the Dentist (looking good)
First time in the chair by yourself!

Elena of Avalor - the new Disney Princess

Hermitage Fall Festival

First time to write your name!

Cooper's Pumpkin Patch

 That's your favorite dress! You were it all the time. One week you wore it to school three days in a row!

Celebrating your friend Londyn's birthday

Annual Disney on Ice

Halloween Cookie Decorating

Boo at the Zoo

Titan Up! Let's go TN!

You enjoy doing your homework (most nights)!

DCA Fall Festival 

(Note the dress!)

I was so glad that I was able to attend because I was off to another work conference later that afternoon. It hurts my heart so to have to leave you and your daddy for so many days. You guys do great and have a lot of fun together. I try to leave you a little surprise and of course daddy usually has a treat or two up his sleeve for you!

Month 9 (October 20th - November 19th)

Your buddy Bryn - Friends since you gals were 8 months old! 

I was so excited to be home! Just look at that sweet smile...note the signature tongue pose!

 First time at the flea market!

 All ready for Halloween

 Costumes for ballet

Oh well...we tried. We voted early and hoped for the first woman president but alas, Donald Trump will the be commander in chief for the next four years. There is so much I'd like to talk to you about this election. I made sure to tell you the morning after the election that no matter what I hoped you understand that you matter. That you can do anything you put your heart and soul into. That your opinion counts. That what is on the inside of you makes you beautiful.

You get more and more brave during gymnastics each week!

 The Queen of Avalor and her best buddy Naomi

First time trick or treating in our very own neighborhood!

This is Ms. Tiffany, she was your teacher last year and has recently moved into our neighborhood. You adore this woman and she adores you! She babysat you recently and not too long after you said, "How about Ms. Tiffany babysits me again soon, what do you think about that? Won't that be a great idea?" You talk about her all the time. We're all so glad that she's just a few houses away. She has two daughters that you enjoy being with too!

You have chosen to only do ballet at this time. You said that "tap is too loud" Your teacher, Ms. Michelle gave a big hug after class this past week and said that your excitement and joy in class makes her happy to be there. 

For an early celebration of my birthday, your daddy and I took a trip to New York City! This was a very big deal to me because it's the birthplace of Broadway and it's been a dream of mine to go there. 

Grandma Miller make the trip down to stay with you and you two were non-stop craft and play the whole time. You painted, created a clip doll fashion show, dressed up and enjoyed each other. 

Flowers from my sweets for my birthday! Thank you loves!

Look at that sass! It seriously feels like it's been light speed since you turned 3, everyday you grow into a smart, creative, funny, sensitive, spirited young lady!

That loves to swing!

Aunt Jaime had the whole park held captive with her reading of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was the sweetest thing to watch!

Finally got to see Trolls! We've been waiting forever! It was well worth the wait though! Such a great movie!

And we can't wait for this one to open! You already have her outfit and know some songs and character names!

The morning of my birthday we went to brunch with the girls followed by a visit to the Christmas Village! It was a lovely way to start the day!

Telling Santa that you want the Disney Lego Castle for Christmas

I am so looking forward to the holiday season! More and more firsts ahead of us!

I love you baby girl,
Your momma

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