Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 11 Year 1

Hey baby girl,

It's been a quiet week. We've been preparing to go to Texas for Andrea's memorial service and I have been working a lot more than normal. 

Our weekend was very special and filled with family time! You and I went shopping on Saturday morning and had so much fun. You really are a great shopper (94% of the time)! You are very patient and if there are snacks & mirrors, you are very content! You love to look at yourself in the mirror! It's so adorable! You make yourself laugh and you make all kinds of faces! Later we played in the yard, watered the plants, planted some carrots and did more chalk art! Daddy was mowing the lawn and gave you a couple of mower rides! You really enjoyed that! Talk about adorable!! 

Sunday we went to a strawberry patch in Warsaw, TN called Valley Home Farms! You didn't quite know what to think. You liked carrying the baskets but didn't care too much for the strawberries! You liked the chickens though!

You are teething again, I'm pretty sure your back molars are coming in. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that must be! 

Your new favorite thing to do is to push the dining room chairs around. You like to put something on them like a doll or toy or towel and give them a ride! 

You are so amazing! 

I love you,

This was the Mother's Day card you made at school!! Love it!


  1. She looks so big in that pic with Steve! and of course those strawberry picking pics are just too cute! I hope the teething doesn't bother her too much!

  2. And Happy early Mother's Day to you!!!

  3. Miss you RL…love seeing you loving life!! Your Momma is teaching you well little one. xoxo~CC
