Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 14 Year 1

Réme baby,
It was a very special weekend because Auntie CC finally had her sweet baby boy Atticus Knox! We thought he'd never get here!! He's beautiful and perfect! I hope you two become the best of friends! 

It takes a Village kiddo and boy oh boy do we have a good one!

We went to a fun after dark event at the zoo on Friday and you rode the merry go round three times in a row! 

We got to see some of the animals up close & personal! It was neat!

The next morning we had a playdate at Jaime and Mollie's house and then Daddy took us on a fun date to the mall and the Rain Forest Cafe! You have the best daddy ever!

One of your new favorite things to do is fill your watering tin with blocks & transfer them to a basket! You did it for about 15 mins while we were on the phone with Gmomma! So funny! 

It was Memorial Day on Monday and we started the day with a long family walk in the rain! Your daddy & I love getting caught in the rain it's very special! 

Them later on we went to a party at the Janiszewski's! What a wonderful day! You swam and played and played and played! You also showed your first real "mine" side! It was cute and funny but not at the same time. I get that it's natural but I hope that you learn to share and play with others a little better! 

You did not want to share your snacks!

You also started to say "no" a lot lately! You almost sing it! No no noo no! I'm sure you learned that at school!

We took you to your first baseball game tonight! I swear child, you are as cool as they come! You just chilled out and watched the game! Had some snacks and clapped a lot! And they won! So you're good luck too! 

Running the bases!

You're growing so quickly!! 

Loving every second,
Mommy (aka Jess)


  1. The best village around…love you all so much. I am so blessed Harrison and Atticus have you all in their lives. xoxo ~ CC **And GO RL…run those bases :o)

  2. She is just a doll!!! I love all her blonde hair and cute cheeks!!! The Sounds game looked so fun!
