Friday, August 15, 2014

Week 25 Year 1

Reme Lynn my love,

We had a bittersweet weekend by spending our last few days with Naw Naw and Pee Wee and then saying our goodbyes! It was such a nice visit and it was so kind of them to come to Tennessee to take care of you/us! We went to the mall on Friday night and visited your favorite restaurant The Aquarium! P thought it was pretty cool too! Then we took a must have spin on the merry go round!

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and decided to hit the zoo for a few hours before you dad and I had to go to the Street Theatre fundraiser. We met Mollie & Jaime there and had a ball! It was really cool to see Pee Wee experience the zoo for the first time especially since we've seen it so many times, it sort of brought on a new view of the zoo if that makes sense!

Sunday morning was sad because it was the day they left! BUT we quickly recovered with a celebration of Harrison's 2nd birthday!!! Yay! We went swimming, ate cake and played!! The two of you are civil with each other but you haven't quite fell in love yet! (I'm still hopeful) I think we just need to get you two together more often! You're only six months apart so I know you speak the same language!

 This is you going in for a hug/kiss but you missed!

I was a little nervous about going back to school on Monday because you had been off for a week! I thought for sure day one was going to be a meltdown but walked right in, put your milk away, sat at the table and waved bye! I was stunned actually and I may have cried a little bit! You're such a big girl already!

This is your friend Kaelyn! She is very affectionate with me and you're not sure how you feel about that! I secretly like it when you get jealous when other kids love on me! 

But Tuesday morning you were a different kid! When daddy woke you up you were whiny and crying and not your normal self at all! You weren't eating and then you burped and it made you cry! I knew then something was wrong. I decided to stay home and take you to the doctor. Sure enough...another double ear infection! Noo!! The doctor said it you got one more then we should consider getting tubes in your ears. I'm hoping you don't get another one but if you do then we'll just deal with it! The rest of the week drop offs were tearful. I could tell you weren't feeling 100% but you always ended up having a good day. You do have a tendency to be clingy with your teachers,especially when you're outside. Not sure what that is about. You love to be outside. It may be because you fell out there your first week and are just being cautious. All of the other times you are very social and play with your friends. You are learning some Sign Language and Spanish and apparently you have an interest in geography! Maybe your Gmomma was a little intuitive when she started your travel savings fund huh?!? You just might see the world my little explorer! 

We went to a local farmer's market tonight and they had a travel art truck! You made me the sweetest necklace! I will cherish it forever! It was a family effort and you liked playing with the beads the most! 

Everyday brings unimaginable joy, thank you!

I love you so very much,


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