Friday, August 22, 2014

Week 26 Year 1


We have had quite the adventurous week! It has also been a sad week though. My good friend Janet Horton passed away on Sunday August 17th. She and I have been great friends for the better part of 15 years. While I am very sad for the loss, it only makes each day, moment, breath, laugh, cry, kiss, hug and smile all that more precious. Janet loved life and lived it to the fullest! She came to visit us right after you were born! She always wanted me to me a momma! She thought it was in my destiny and said that if for some reason, I had never met "the one" (aka your dad) that she would make sure that I had a baby one way or another! Remind me to tell you more about her and that one day! I will miss her very very much!

We went to the lake this past weekend to celebrate Aunt Cole's birthday and had SO MUCH FUN! There were tons of kids of all ages there, mainly little girls and you couldn't get enough of them. You mostly watched them closely of course but also played with them as well. You liked being in the boat but didn't like it when I got in the water to ski! I love being in and near the water. Any type of water so I hope you grow to enjoy it as well! We stayed in a gorgeous house right on the water and the views were so peaceful!

Then is was time for another fair! This time it was the Wilson County Fair. We rode rides the entire time, ate some corn dogs and finished off the night with some ice cream! You like almost all of the rides but I think after a while it got to be a bit too much for you. Next time I'll know what to expect and we will explore the grounds more. The State Fair is next! 




You fell asleep almost instantly once we got in the car and then transferred to your crib without even making a peep. You started crying pretty hard around 2am, we rocked in your room for a while and then you went back to sleep for about 5 minutes and then you started crying again. At first I was just going to let you cry it out but you seemed very distraught and I decided to go settle you down again, well I'm so glad I did because you had thrown up corn dog all over your bed! I felt terrible! I felt so bad for letting you have (giving you) that awful fair food! Don't get me wrong, it was delicious but too much for your tummy especially after all those rides and action! So I took you to our room to sleep with daddy while I cleaned up your crib and you got sick in there too! I'm so sorry baby! Finally we got everything all cleaned up and got back to sleep only to have to wake up for the day a few short hours later. We were all exhausted so the rest of the week has been full of school, work, dinner and sleep! Lesson learned on many fronts!

Life is all about lessons babe. Sometimes you don't realize they are happening but they are. I think writing these letters has helped me look back and see that too! All the time when I'm recalling our experiences I think to myself, "okay-I learned my lesson, or we learned a lesson or I think there's a lesson in there somewhere!" If only we could somehow realize what that lesson is before we do it so we don't do it but then we wouldn't learn it so...hmmm. I'll have to think about that one more!

We will make every moment count! We will look at life with joy and excitement! We will do our best not to take one think for granted!

I love you baby girl,

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the lake - I'm so happy you all were there!
