Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 30 Year 1

Hey baby girl,

So I feel bad for sort of chastising you in the last letter. Let me just clarify that you are doing what every other (almost) 19 month old does! It's totally normal and incredibly fascinating! I want you to test your boundaries, ask questions, buck the system and find your path. Of course, I'd rather you not cause harm to others or yourself while doing so! For the record, you are vibrant, funny, a little shy, very curious, so bright, a quick learner, you have an infectious laugh and a smile that brightens a room! You are so loved and everyone that knows you is excited to watch you grow and be a part of your life!

Okay, so we had a sort of mellow weekend. You and I chilled out Saturday morning while daddy had to go to work. We snuggled in bed for awhile and then decided to lounge around in our PJs, watching some Elmo, having some breakfast, dancing like chickens, playing and making our shopping list!

You LOVE your new rocking chair that G Poppa mad you!

Who needs a spoon right?

Then we were off to the store! First Target and then Trader Joe's. It was a long morning and you were SO exhausted at TJ and it was packed! We had to practically wait in line to get to sections of the store! A madhouse! But you stayed strong and didn't melt down although you were on the verge a couple of times. You passed out as soon as we got it in the car! So sweet!

A girl and her purse!

Oh shopping is fun!

The first 2 hours!!

 And I'm out! 

You took a nice long well deserved 2 hour nap and then we were off for some football! We went to the Golden's house with the Murdocks and cheered on UT! It was fun! And orange! 
You girls better get used to those tutus because the mommas may be obsessed! We're thinking tutus, Converse and naked butts for our next photo op!

Sunday was a mommy & daddy day date for a Titans football game. Sweet Angie (GiGi) came to play with you for the day. You ladies were busy! You played outside, colored, danced, snacked, watched some football and camped out in your room (since you wouldn't take a nap)! We love Angie and are so grateful that she takes such great care of you!

You weren't feeling well at school and they needed a doctors notes for you to come back, so Monday we made a trip to see Dr. Ros. She said you probably have allergies or a cold. She wasn't worried at all. As a matter of fact you have been fine, other than a bit of a cough and a runny nose. No fever and you're your normal silly, loving self! 

Yes, believe it or not, we went to the grocery store...again! This is the first time you wanted to ride in the "car cart"! You were so excited but were very upset when it was time to leave! Now I know and I promise we will get the car cart always! 

 I am loving the new daily reports from school!

I hope you get to feeling 100% soon! Fall is here and there is so much to do!

I love you more than all the Converse shoes in the world!



  1. Cutie! I love that cheese smile in the last pic! Glad I got to see you guys this weekend!

  2. Tutus, converse and naked butts.... oh my! Love this idea and love you guys!!!
