Happy 21st Month in this World
I'm a little late in posting so I'm going to go ahead cover what we've been up to the past two weekends! First and foremost you turned 21 months old! Happy day! You continue to grow, change, explore and have fun!
We celebrated my birthday! Your daddy made me a really sweet video of you and sent this picture!
We went to dinner with the Janiszewski's and let you girls run around the mall for awhile! It was a wonderful evening and I feel truly blessed! I often thought to myself how I felt I was born to be your mommy so spending my birthday with you is what I want to do most of all!
We celebrated the birthday of Sweet Clementine's first birthday!
Baby Emma was there!!!
Silly hat!
Our big challenge these days is dealing with not sharing. And it's not really just the fact that you don't want to share but you get pretty aggressive. You often scream very loudly, pull something out of someone's hands and I've seen you push several people to get what you want or to get them to stop doing something. This is not okay. The pushing part and I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with the situations. I haven't found the solution yet but challenge accepted!
The sweetest little boy came over on this activity table with you and you pushed him and said no and proceeded to drag the entire toy under the piano. Honestly, I didn't know what to do or to say really. I tried to calmly explain that pushing was not acceptable and removed you from situation. It's totally natural and we'll get it figured out!
We had your first official Thanksgiving luncheon at school!It was very nice! The food was yummy and you seemed so proud that I was there! It made my day!
This is your bestie Avery!
You ate 2 of those rolls!
I so wanted to lay on that mat and take a nap with you!
It's what you're supposed to do after a Thanksgiving meal!
This past Friday threw us a curve ball!It was business as usual. We made dinner, had a picnic in the living room, played and got ready for bed! All was well. Then after reading and some rocking, we came out to give daddy a goodnight kiss and as he was handing you back to me you tossed your cookies! Well more like cheerios and craisins! No fun! Where did that come from?! We got you all cleaned up and thought you were fine. You seemed fine anyway. You were calm, normal and we went back to rocking. Then as I laid you into bed, you blew more chunks! Yikes! This time it was more! We got all cleaned up, changed your bedding and as we were about to relax again, up came some more! This time I got it right in the face! Yum! Then we took a shower! We chilled out on the couch and eventually you passed out! After a good while we put you in your crib and went to bed. About 2 hours later, you were calling for me and you had an explosive diaper! You poor thing! We got that all cleaned up and decided to bring you to bed with us. Well after a couple of dry heaves, you and I decided to try to get some rest on the couch where we could sit upright a little. That seemed to work but we slept very little. Eventually the next morning, you were eating, drinking and feeling normal again. You didn't have a fever, no other symptoms so it had to have been something you ate! All I can think of is that you had a hoagie bun. Maybe all of the wheat? We've been eating so clean lately, it could have just been the processed bread that your body rejected. Or it could have been some sort of stomach virus. Who knows! I was so relieved you were better the next day!
Daddy had to work on Saturday but he sent us funny videos and pictures to keep us laughing! This made you so very happy!
Here is your response to one of his pictures!
A long over due nice long three hour nap!
Once Daddy came home, we decided to get some air and get out a bit. We went to the mall, ran some errands and stopped at our new favorite sushi place for some dinner!
Trying out some chopsticks! You did great!
Today we spent a lovely afternoon at your BF's house! The two of you kept her mom and I in stitches! You were running around chasing each other, giggling and screeching! Of course you had your normal "mine" moments and you pushed her several times! Grrr! All in all it was so much fun!
Too darn cute!
The week of Thanksgiving is upon us and we have some much to be thankful for! Our friends are certainly one of them!
I love you baby girl,
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