Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 50 Year 1

Oh my almost 2 year old,
So I had an epiphany this week! You have been off! Just not your normal self! At first I thought it was because we kept you up late watching the Super Bowl! 

You did great by the way! You watched some of the game, you loved the halftime Katy Perry show and asked for more when it was over! You didn't seem to mind being up that late! 

But the rest of the week you were off! You were cranky, you were moody, you were defiant, you bit someone at school two days this week and I could just tell something was "wrong"! 

I thought for sure you just needed to catch up on some sleep! So when the weekend rolled around and you finally got some rest, I was a little shocked to see this "new" you had stuck around! 

It's not awful or obvious but it's subtle and slight! We've had some big fun! We played at the park and went to the zoo, did some shopping and made some crafts but you cry more, fuss more, whine more and you are so dramatic! (This trait comes to you naturally sorry)

We had your 2 year shoot and I have to be honest, I did not recognize that child being photographed. You wouldn't smile and when you did you kept doing this weird tongue thing! I'm sure the pics turned out great but I am worried we didn't get to see the real you. 

Then it dawned on me! You're almost 2 - TWO - the terrible 2s - oh no!! Here they come! It's real!! It's a thing. Now the saving grace is that this too shall pass! (See what I did there?) These are phases and before I know it, it'll be gone and we'll be on to the next one! So I'm gonna embrace this phase! As hard and trying as it is, I'm gonna be patient and take it all in! Not one second for granted!! 

I love you T2,

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