Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 6 Year 2

Reme Lynn,

I don't even know where to start with this one! It's been a little over a week and what a week (and a bit) it has been!

This was our first official "Spring Break". It's the first of many now that you are in "real" school!

We started the week off with a relaxing morning in our PJs, watching your favorite movie at the moment, "Tangled". It's the story of Rapunzel. You love all things Princess right now and I could not be more overjoyed by this! This was followed by a fun romp in the part with Auntie Brooke, Averie and our friends the "Beckhams". It was a GORGEOUS day and so great to be in the sun!

Tuesday you showed that you could be the world's most patient toddler while I worked and was on a two hour long conference call! You were SOO amazing! Thank you for that! It was like you knew I needed that time and don't get me wrong, you got plenty of play time in the "zoo" and with "your chair"! (Your chair is what you request when you want to play in the water!)

After running some errands and a nice long nap, we went to visit the Corams! You had a blast playing with Harrison. Especially his cool kitchen and water table! 

So you two are only six months apart and are just now getting to know each other. You're both learning. At one point...long story had a bubble wand and HT wanted it. He grabbed it and you didn't let go but didn't say anything. You had this yellow rake in your other hand (see above) and were trying to give it to him instead of the wand. He didn't want the rake, he wanted the wand. Stand off time. CC and I watched in suspense. What would happen?! Who would scream "mine" first?!? Were tears going to fall?!? Instead, the both of you stood toe to toe for a good 15-20 seconds, each with their own agenda and then finally...very handed over the wand. You didn't cry, you didn't fuss, but neither of you took their eyes off of each other until there was this understood silent agreement. It was fascinating to watch and encouraging really. Most kids would have had it out but you two worked it out...telepathically!! Way to go kiddos! I think you both deep down love each other! Later we walked around their neighborhood for a while and then headed home! It was time to pack for our big vacay!

Wednesday morning, we decided to take our sweet time and get ready on our own pace, we woke up "late-ish", dropped off the dog, picked up your new glasses (which you don't love...YET) and hit the road! I love not being in a hurry for road trips. I would much rather be chill and leave whenever we're ready! 

Time for the vacay to begin!  We checked into our hotel and hit "The Track" across the street for some fun and games. This was the first time you ever road "rides" by yourself! You haven't been big enough really. To be totally honest, I think it was a little hard on us to see you be so independent! You wanted to ride this kind of scary  boat ride by yourself. You were so excited and I think you would have continued to be so except they put this little girl in your boat that screamed her head off the entire time. You were chill but we could tell it was bumming you out! Then we played our first round of putt putt! I think you were tired and hungry and that damped your mood. So we had some dinner, went to the hotel and called it a night!

Thursday morning we had this "grown up" thing we had to attend at the crack of dawn! While it was useless and annoying, it was necessary and we all got through it just fine! We followed that baloney with a trip to the Rainforest River Adventure! Again, you were tired and kind of hungry and in all fairness the placed kind of smelled so none of us were really into it! It was alright though. You LOVED the birds and nothing else really excited you but I enjoyed the monkeys!

After a failed attempt at a real nap in the hotel room (that you clearly DESPERATELY needed) we decided to go for a drive. Your dad had the brilliant idea to check out the Circle G Safari Ranch! It was just that! An actual safari! We fed wild animals from our car and even got to get out and play with some!

To be continued....


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