Sunday, May 24, 2015

Week 13 Year 2

Hey baby cakes,

I am happy to report that as of today (5/24/15) you have successfully peed/pooped in the potty 22 times since we started on 5/16/15! You have only had 2 (and a half) accidents too! Now we aren't diaper free yet but when we are home you don't wear one unless you are going to bed! You still wear them to school though but we are working our way to being 100% potty trained!! I predict you'll be there by the end of the summer if not sooner! You have taken to it very well! We watch the "potty song" on your phone and your reward is a chocolate chip. We also started a star chart and you get "choice" after every 5 stars! I am so very proud of how well you have done! I guess a big girl bed is next but I am so not ready for that!

We went to the first "zoovie" of the season last Friday night to see Toy Story! I was so impressed that you made it through the entire movie! It was a lot of fun we met a bunch of our friends there and chilled out on blankets with snacks and we have the most beautiful weather!

 You got a kick out of feeding me sweet peppers!

Way past your bedtime young lady!!

Then basically all day & night on Saturday and Sunday we focused on potty training, we didn't leave the house except on Sunday to get you your "choice" reward!

 This means you were pretty much naked the entire 2 days!

You chose Sofia legos and I helped/encouraged you to choose this!

 Look at all of those stars!!

You are growing up so fast right before our eyes! It's incredible! 

I love you so much,

P.S. You sing constantly:

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