Sunday, March 20, 2016

Month 1 Year 3

Reme Lynn,

Today (3/20/16) marks your 37 month in this world! What a great month this has been. Believe it or not, you seemed to have changed over night! You speak clearer, you are more independent and you're a lot sassier! You've officially hit the "why" phase and you started calling me "MOM"! No more "momma" or "mommy" but "MOM"! It is so weird to hear and I try to talk you into calling me "mommy" all the time. Not in a Joan Crawford kind of way though!

You woke up the day after your parties in a super good mood and couldn't wait to start putting on dresses! You started the day as Anna!

Gmomma always likes to take you to "the shops" when she visits so we make a quick trip to the Disney store (like you need any more stuff) and a must ride on the train!
 Choo choo!

Then it was off to Hazel's birthday party! It was a mermaid and pirate theme! You got to dress up like a mermaid, which was good because you wore your Ariel dress!

Note the arm/hand in the air! I love that signature move!

You decided to be Merida when we went out to dinner! You and your daddy were being super silly and having so muhc fun!

The next day was Gmomma's last day with us so we snuggled, relaxed, played lots of games and then went shopping! Yep...more shopping! Today you were Tiana!

Scored some new shades among several other items including a jewelry box!

The traditional Rice Krispy making...

The fierce Merida with her bow & arrow!
It's always hard to say goodbye to Gmomma! We have so much fun with her!

One night after your bath you stood up high on your stool, looked in the mirror and said, "I have boobies"! 

Just a few days after Gma left, you woke up at 2am with a high fever complaining of aches and pains. We had a hard time getting you back to sleep so I decided to keep you home. You woke up fever free and we had a very nice day playing, relaxing and just being together!

This Puppy in my Pocket game is so much fun and you are really good at it! You peek into a pocket and try to get which puppy is there!

Making necklaces...
 Shopkins town...

Magic wand designing...

We were back to school the next day and finished the week with a fun visit from Mollie and Max!
 You are loving having this big tub! Me too!

Then before we knew it, you were sick again! This time you stayed home 3 days! 2 with daddy and 1 with me. The doctor said you just have a fever virus that has been going around. You handle it like champ though!
Princess Aurora
At the doctor with daddy...

We missed 3 days of the Dr. Seuss birthday celebration at school but we celebrated at home too. You were dressing up like your favorite Dr. Seuss character! Horton the Elephant/Ariel!** You also love Green Eggs and Ham & Fox in Sox.
**On our way home Monday from school, we had to stop by Target and grab you some crazy socks for Wacky Sock Wednesday. As we were pulling into the driveway I said, "We'll need to go to a different store to find you an elephant costume" and you said, "Okay, great. You can go and I'll just stay home with daddy!" Really?!?  You just love being home with your family. I think if you had your way, we'd never go anywhere!

On Friday, you were on the mend but I had the day off because my office was moving so we hung out all day. We made pancakes, watched movies and played games. This is "Flarp" it's noise making putty and we laughed and laughed playing with it!

This is a Sophia the First game. It's actually a little difficult to play/understand but really pretty! 

We had a fun and productive weekend. We did some chores and played a lot and then we were off to Charlotte's birthday party. We played "cafe" in their backyard playhouse for quite some time. It was so sweet.

You decided to be Anna for the party and you were thrilled when you came across this doll! "Look it's me"!

 Cafe Reme service stick salad!

To Infinity and Beyond...

Happy birthday Charlotte!

After the party we met daddy to see ZOOTOPIA. It was a very good movie and Disney has done a great job with marketing because you already knew most of the characters. Judy Hops is by far your favorite.

You are still super cuddly and I hope you stay that way for a very long time! You like to jump into bed with us really early in the morning on the weekends and we both love it!
....yep, you are still using your pacifier at night and sometimes in the car. We're progressively gearing you up to saying goodbye to them.

We had a trip to the eye doctor and I hate to say it but you have my eyes. You have a lazy eye (your left one - mine was the right one) and we have to start working with you on wearing a patch.

We also made a trip to the dentist and you are doing a great job taking care of your teeth.

Making a wish in the fountain...a Minnie Mouse kitchen?!? Oh boy!

You have been very emotional at school and we think it may be because you were home for so many days. It's always hard to get back to a routine.

We decided to get back to gymnastics but this time it's the big girl class. I didn't think you were going to do it at first. You sat in my lap and had a death grip on my neck. I reassured you that I wasn't going anywhere and that I would be just a few steps away. Slowly you let go, watched closely, inched a bit closer and closer and then you were off! The next thing I knew you were volunteering to be the first one to go! You left there walking on air! I am so very proud of you for being so brave!

Later that day "we" worked in the garden. It was a beautiful day. You sat in my lap so you wouldn't get dirty or touch anything. I can totally empathize with you. I never really liked to get my hands dirty before either. Maybe it's like broccoli; you start to like it when you get older! As one point I said, "gardening is my favorite" and you said "being with you gardening is my favorite" Be still my heart!

"Take my picture, Mom"!

All went well at your 3yr check up. You weigh 32lbs and are just over 3 feet tall! (37 1/4").

Your current favorite movies are all of the Alvin and the Chipmunks movies. We have watched them many many times. You like the music a lot.

Report card time!
You really are so bright!

My new favorite word(s) you say these days are when you refer to something plural. You add an "es" to the end. Socks-ES, Shoes-ES, Book-ES, Feets-ES"'s so stinking cute!

I have to go back to work full time for a little while. It was a really hard decision to make but it's only temporary until I get my department caught up and running smoothly.

Week #2 at gymnastics was even more successful. This time you walked straight to the class and didn't look back!

Then we celebrated Mollie's 4th birthday! It was windy and cold but you kids ran and ran and ran and I don't think you even noticed!
You were Jasmine at this one!

For your37th month celebration, we went to "the shops" to visit the Easter bunny. We didn't know what to expect but I thought for sure you'd be adverse to walking up to him and sitting there. Well...I would have lost that bet. You walked right up to him and said, "I'd like Cinderella Legos in my Easter basket", jumped up on the seat next to him and struck a pose! My heart skipped a beat. There goes my baby!
 Princess Rapunzel

You are so sweet and you throw a mean tantrum! Your daddy and I both are learning to just offer help and wait for you to ask for it. You're independent yet a follower. You copycat your friends a lot too. You changed every day and it's probably something I'll never get used to. You make me so proud. 

I love you Princess, 
It's even hard to write!

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