Wednesday, March 20, 2013

4 Weeks or One Month

Dear Reme Lynn,
Happy first month in this world my heart! It really is so hard to believe it's been one entire month, 4 weeks, 28 days. It has gone by like a wink of an eye. You are growing so quickly! It seems like each day you are different. In personality, sleep patterns, eating patterns, eye focusing, noises, kicks, hand movements and your head control. It is getting stronger and stronger. I'm so proud of you, you amaze me!
We have had a really great week this week! Your cousins Savannah & Cooper came to visit for their spring break with your Great Aunt Chrisit and Uncle Kent. I think they had a nice time. The weather was a bit cold so it was hard to get out and do things.

They got lots of snuggle time and you loved every minute of the attention!

We did manage to go to The Loveless Cafe for brunch one day though! Yummy! You're still not a big fan of the car seat to put it mildly. I wish I knew what ailed you so when you're in there. I would fix it in a heart beat!

Speaking of heart beats, you saw your cardiologist Dr. Hermo to check the status of your VSD (you have a small hole in your heart, it is very common) and we're happy to say that the hole is half the size as it was in the hospital!! You don't have to go back for another 6 months! I am sure that it will be completely gone then!

You went to your first birthday party for Miss Mollie and did very well. You were a little fussy but only when it was time for you to eat and of course time to get into the car seat! It was your first St. Patrick's Day!

We also experienced our first walk in the park with just you, me & Stella! It was lovely and I look forward to many many more! We'll be joining CC & HT on walks in the park soon too! (Please start liking your car seat!)

You were able to meet the gang at Whitehardt this week! You were an angel the entire time as they passed you from one person to the next! You're such a sweetie!

This has been by far the most amazing month of my life. It has been just a complete joy getting to know you! The little things you do, the meanings behind your cries, the spirit in your eyes!
I love you so much,


  1. That pic of Reme with her cousins...SWOON!! The love just oozes from the photo.
    Happy one month to Reme and you. I'm overjoyed for you and this amazing month.

  2. Yay for 1 month!!!

    Hopefully the carseat will get better soon! We need a visit from Reme and a neighborhood walk :o)

    Love you!!

  3. One month down and you're a pro! :)

