Wednesday, December 18, 2013

43 Weeks

This has been an interesting week. To be totally honest with you, Christmas is not my favorite time of the year. It can be so stressful and while it should be all about the birth of our savior, love, giving, time with family & friends sometimes it just gets overwhelming. The crowds, the people, the traffic, the arguments, the decisions, so much to do in such little time. It just flies by! I have found myself this week getting a little carried away by the stress. I have had to stop myself, reset and get a new perspective. YOU make that so much easier to do. Really all I have to do is take one look at you and all the stress in the world seems to disappear for a moment.

You bring such joy into our lives. You are such a blessing. I'm not gonna lie, you also can be very challenging! Your sleeping patterns are very sporadic! You haven't slept through an entire night for weeks it seems! And forget about a nap, at home that is, you nap like a champ at school but at home you won't sleep for longer than a half hour if at all! And that half hour most likely in my lap. We think teething is the main culprit but honestly we have no idea!

You are however 97.4% of the time in the best mood! You are laid back, pretty flexible and very understanding. You also have your limits and are not afraid to let us know when you've reached them. Which is rare though, for the most part you are always happy! Plus there's not much a puff can't fix. You love your puffs!

This past weekend we went to the Opryland Hotel with Jaime, Mollie & Ed. I'll spare you the drama it took to get there! Once we were there we had a very nice time. You and Mollie were all over each other! It was so sweet! You got to meet Shrek the Ogre and the Kung Fu Panda too! You weren't real sure what to think about them and were your normal intensely observing self.
We went to your first Christmas program at our church on Sunday. I thought for sure you would be into all of the little kids singing but you weren't. I think we were too far away from the action though. I'm pretty sure you're going to love theater! (hint hint) Later on you hung out with your daddy almost all day while I went and accomplished some much needed shopping! You guys played and played and played and you did not take a nap! Not even for a half hour! I don't know how you weren't just a total bear when I got home! You were quite the opposite though and clapped and cheered when I walked in the door! Such a great sight and sound! You have the sweetest little cheer! It's a grunt really...still sweet!

We went to see Ian sing in his choir concert last night and that you did enjoy (until they clapped). Again, I think it was because we were up close to the action and you could hear their voices more clearly. So proud of our boy Ian! He even had a solo! Hot Chocolate!

Today was my last day at the office for the year!! It was also the last day that I'm going to pump breast milk during the day. I have only been producing 4oz a day and we've been supplementing with formula anyway. Plus I think you might be ready to ween yourself. I'm still going to try in the morning and evenings until you're ready to move on. We've done very well in this department my dear. I feel confident that you're healthy, happy and well fed!

Only one week from Christmas my little snowball! It's going to be the best one ever! You get so excited when you see presents!Billy & Erika got you a supersoft cute little furry pig as a gift today and you went crazy!

You have been a very good girl so I know Santa will be good to you!

I love you angel,

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