Thursday, December 5, 2013

41 Weeks

Réme Lynn,  

It's official! You're a crawler!! You did it for real tonight!! So grown up! I am so proud of you baby! You have been working hard to achieve that! 

We had a wonderful time in New York for Thanksgiving! We played in the snow, you loved eating turkey, you tried some of my Mimi's chocolate cream pie recipe and you & Aubrey really bonded! It was quite beautiful! 

You gals had a blast together! You had a fashion show, you read books together, you sat next to each other at the table, you took a bath next to each other and heaven forbid I try to put you to sleep before she went to sleep! You were not having it!! 

Oh how it warmed my heart to see you so happy! You bonded with your Mimi and were amused by your Grandpa! I'm so glad that you love being there as much as I do! 

Unfortunately the transition back into our school routine has been a little tough on you. You don't want to let me go in the mornings and it is so sad! The really sad part is that we only have a few weeks and then we're off to Texas for another week. So hang in there kiddo! 

I sure do love you,

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you guys are having a tough transition week. Its always hard to get back into routines after a great vacation. Sending you all love!
