Wednesday, February 12, 2014

51 Weeks

Réme Lynn,

You are on fire kid! Seriously! You are go go go! You are certainly expressing you strong will and independence! Especially at Kindermusik & bedtime! You want to call shots and get very upset when you don't get your way! I suppose this is all part of becoming the person you were born to be! To be honest I'm not totally sure what to do or how to react. Sometimes let you do your thing and other times we create boundaries and stand our ground. I want you to explore and grow but I also hope you will learn control and respect. I know you may be too young to really understand respect but I feel like we need to show you and lead you in that direction. 

Bedtime had been the worst! Saturday night it became a five hour ordeal! We finally won around 1am! You are teething like crazy and it is obviously painful. I'm so sorry baby, I wish I could take that pain away from you! You are a drooling machine! We were at the mall on Saturday & had to buy an emergency outfit because the one you were wearing got soaked! 

We also had two birthday parties to go to on Saturday! I so love the idea of many years of multiple birthday parties!! We had a ball! Especially at Tanner's party which was at Monkey Treehouse, an indoor playground that had an area especially for you! 

One of the only photos I have from the weekend because my phone died & I had to get a new one! 

Remember how I told you that I wanted to remember the little moments? We'll we had a great one those weekend! Sunday morning you were really playful and full of energy (not sure why since you only slept about four hours) and we rolled around and played on my bed for about 30 minutes! You would stand up and just fall backwards into the cushion of the blankets! You thought that was hilarious! (Have I mentioned you love being upside down?) it was a very special moment, the joy in your eyes, the excitement, the sound of your laugh! 

You give great kisses and hugs now! I so love that glimmer in your eye as you lean in for one!

Apparently you took 5 steps at school today!!!! Slow down! No need to walk for several more months! ;-)

I love you sugar plum,


  1. 5 steps!! That's huge! Your Sunday morning sounded perfect...dreamy. I would like to get in line for one of those kisses and hugs please!

  2. I'm so sorry you are having rough nights. I hope RL teeth pop through soon and you all get some rest. She's going to be running before we know it!! :(
