Wednesday, February 19, 2014

52 Weeks

Reme Lynn, 

Tomorrow is the big day! I'm speechless really. I have so much inside that I think..I want...I know that I have to say but for some reason I can't seem to form the words, thoughts and advice. I'm sure it will come out sooner or later. I'm just not feel so eloquent at the moment. I'm too retrospective right now. All I can think about is your beautiful soul and how blessed I am to be in your world!

You fought a strong battle with a virus this past week. It was very scary for me. It started on Valentine's day. You woke up with a fever of 102.5 and at times it would spike to as high as 104.4. You didn't have any other symptoms so the doctor never wanted us to bring you in but we called her a couple of times. Finally in the wee hours of the morning Sunday morning you kicked that virus' butt! Nice work! Now you are a new kid!

Your Gmomma, Aunt Mindy and Cousin Aubrey arrived yesterday to start the celebration! You are really enjoying them being here.

I did not want to put you down tonight. It's surreal my sweet child! Just indescribable to me right now.

I love you more than words can even come close to explain!



  1. Sweet girl!! Can't wait to celebrate her on Saturday!! Love Love Love! Stop growing up!!

  2. Happy birthday!!!!! Can't believe you are one! Excited to celebrate you...xoxo
