Wednesday, February 5, 2014

50 Weeks

Réme Lynn,

Time really is going by too fast! I know I say it every week but you are constantly changing! Your new thing this week has been waking up around 1am and then once we come check on you and settle you down you pretend to be asleep but the second we leave the room you start crying. It has gotten to where we are having to let you cry it out in five minute increments too. It's so strange. Then once you're truly asleep you sleep about eight hours straight! 

You started cocking your pacifier to one side! 

It really is adorable! 

We had a nice relaxing weekend! Preparations for your birthday party are in full swing!

You are starting to come out of your shell in music class! You love your teacher Ms. Amy! You are always crawling over to her and she love that too! You like to test out each instrument and then quickly move to the next one. You sing "cat cat cat" to every song too! 

You are standing on your own all the time and have even taken a step or two! Slow down baby! You don't have to walk yet! 

You have discovered to joy of drawers & Tupperware!

I love you kitten,


  1. Look at that tall girl standing! And I love that pacifier off to the side - she is such a cutie.

  2. Why am I learning that she has taken her first steps on your blog. Gah!! I can't believe our girl is about to be one!!!
