Saturday, April 19, 2014

Week 9 Year 1

Réme Lynn,

Another week full of fun on the books! We celebrated Easter all weekend long! Starting on Good Friday when we went to Lucky Ladd's farm with your schoolmate Bryn! 

There was an egg hunt, baby animals, big animals and pony rides! 

But your favorite part was the corn!! They have this big box full of corn kernels and toys to play with! You could have stayed there all day!

Saturday we had a full day! Kindermusik followed by brunch then we went to a friend's house for the "official" egg hunt! They had a bouncy house too! It was so much fun!! 

Afterwards we went out to eat and we were all in a great mood! At one point you and I had a giggle fest! I would laugh and then you would laugh and I would laugh and we'd both laugh! I never want to forget that moment! You had your first fortune cookie too! I was impressed how quickly you figured it out! 

Sunday was truly blessed! It is so amazing to think about the story of Easter and how our lives are changed from it! When you get older we will explore these stories with you! 

The Easter bunny paid you a visit and you were so excited!! 

We all went to a nice lunch at Cantina Laredo and it was really yummy!! Yes we went out up eat three times this weekend! 

Easter shaped pasta for dinner!

We had our last Tuesday night Kindermusik class for this semester! We really did enjoy them! I look forward to more in the fall! 

I love you little bunny,


  1. Little Bennett in her class is one of my clients. :)

  2. She is getting sooooooo big. I love that sweet gal!! SO glad you guys had a great Easter weekend.
