Thursday, April 10, 2014

Week 7 Year 1

Oh baby girl-I don't even know where to start!! 

First of all you're sick right now! You. Started to get a cough on Sunday with a bit of a runny nose which wasn't so bad until you just stopped being yourself last night. Then it got scary for us! You didn't have an appetite (very unlike you), you were crabby, you didn't take a nap at school and you didn't love going to the grocery store! Then the school called me today and said that you just seemed off. I agreed and took you to the doctor and sure enough you have an ear infection! You might have something viral too and it could also be allergies! Hang in there baby! We'll get past this soon! Although you don't want to take medicine and you're too smart to let me sneak it in your milk too!! Very clever you are!! 

We had an amazing weekend! Your daddy had the great idea to go to the Chattanooga Aquarium! It's only a quick two hour drive so off we went! So much fun!! We'll for sure do that again! Maybe see the zoo next time too!!

We started a new Kindermusik class on Saturdays with Mollie. Hazel and many others! You of course do your own thing and I love watching you explore and challenge boundaries! 

You had your first official tantrum in Target! I know you're not feeling well so I totally understood but it gave me an insight on what the future holds for times like that! It was actually pretty funny! 

You started to blow kisses and they are the best! 

You are the best!! 

Get to feeling better soon!

I love you, 


  1. A quick 2 hour drive?!! There's such a thing? ;o)
    Get better soon R-L xx

  2. Glad I finally got to see this sweet girl! And her blowing kisses is the best!!! I hope she is feeling better!
