Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 6 Year 1

Réme Lynn,

We had a fun play date with our friends Lindsey & Hazel this weekend! You gals are just too cute! You don't really play together as much as watch each other but I assume that will change someday! You're only 3 days apart!

Even though daddy had to work overtime all week and on Saturday he was so excited to come home and immediately wanted to take us out & do something fun! Such a great daddy!! We went to McKay's bookstore! It's a huge warehouse full of used books, movies & games! None of us had been before so we had no idea what to expect. So we're in the children's section and I'm showing you books and you and your daddy are looking at DVDs. He finds one called Animal Clinic, it has a lovely cover with all kinda of animals and you are hooked! You won't put it down! Even when we go to leave you just have to have this old probably cheesy movie from the 80s! It was only $5 so we get it for you and tease you on the way home how we're for sure going to watch it! Turns out there was NO DVD in the case!! We laughed so hard at this!! You are enjoying looking at the cover though! 

You have always been somewhat of a clean eater. You're not a big fan of your hands being duty but this week you have discovered the joy of spitting out your food! We try not to laugh but honestly it's hilarious!! I hope it's just a phase!

We went back Monkey Joe's and this time we went with Alli, Tanner & Audrey! It was sort of late in the day and we were the only ones there!! It was like we owned the place! Too much fun! We slide down every slide and jumped in every house! 

You've been favoring your ear lately & since you had to go back for your iron test I had them check your ears and you had a huge ball of wax in one! No wonder it was bothering you! 
The days have been just beautiful and we took Stella to the dog park on Sunday! You got lots a doggie kisses from all kinds of puppies! 

It was great fun and we ran into our friends Mikaela, Becca & Gabriella too! 

You've been very cuddly lately! I hope that phase lasts!! 

I love you, 

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