Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week 4 Year 1 or 13 months

Happy 13th Month in this World my love!

What a great week this has been! I don't even know where to start! 

We had a fun filled weekend featuring life size Dinasours at the zoo, your first real time in a theater seeing Shrek the Musical and your first time at Chuck E Cheese! You loved every second of it! 

I didn't get any pictures at Shrek because well you can't take pictures during live theater and you fell asleep during the second act so we slipped out during curtain call. You were so good during the show! We were pretty far away and I think if we had been closer you wouldn't have gotten a little restless but nonetheless it worked out perfectly! You were particularly fond of the tap dancing number with the Pied Piper & mice! All of the fast dance numbers had your attention. We'll be seeing more of those for sure! 
Miss Mollie turned TWO on Monday & had a mini celebration at Chuck E Cheese's! You, as usual, took it all in! Not a huge fan of the giant mouse (which is funny because the giant Dinasours didn't phase you at all) but you loved riding in the little cars! We did some tunnel crawling too!! 

You have been sleeping so well, drop offs at school are smooth, you are eating like a champ and try new things all the time! You don't necessarily like them but you try them! Next we're going to start working on transitioning you to a sippy cup! You're getting more and more brave with walking on your own too! I know I say this all the time but you change everyday! Your dad sent me this picture the other day and it caught me off guard! You look so different, grown up! It took my breath away a little!


Spring is finally here but you are what makes the days beautiful! 

I love you,


  1. Yay for a fun-filled week! I just love that side view picture her driving the car - she looks so focused!
    And I totally agree that pic with Steve - she looks so grown-up!
