Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week 3 Year 1

Réme Baby,

What a great week we have had! The Corams were in the neighborhood and we had an impromptu hang & dinner! It was so fun! We went to the Tofu House and you & HT devoured some rice!! That's one thing the two of you have in common!! You love some food!! 

Saturday we had a fun brunch/play date with Jaime & Mollie! They moved into a new home and it's gorgeous! It was so cute to see you two girls playing together! Mollie kept calling you Réme Baby and I like it! 

It was a beautiful day outside and you fell asleep in the swing! You looked so cute Jaime decided to give it to us! No I'm just kidding, Moll has grown out of it so we're going to use it until they have another little one!! 

We cleaned it up and it's now in your playroom! You love the slide! 

We then stopped by Street Theatre so I could drop off a few things and they we're having rehearsal for a musical and you were loving it!! I mean big time! You were dancing and couldn't take your eyes off of the band! I love that!! 

Sunday was another lovely day! We had lunch with CC & Lauren to celebrate her birthday! We stopped into Barnes & Noble and you were screaming your head off! Not in a bad way, you were super excited about being there and checking out books & toys! 

Yellow ball! Look at that red hair! 

We met Jaim & Moll  later that afternoon for a quick romp in the park! It turns out you really love wood chips! Sliding was okay, the swing was just okay but the wood we're talking!! 

I know now how I'm going to keep you occupied while we work in the yard this year!! 

You are slowly transitioning to real milk. Your latest word is "yes" but it sounds like "yesh". You eat Mac & Cheese by the handful. You hold your bottle by yourself and it makes you seem so grown up! You're obsessed with fruit that is tossed in graham cracker crumbs! It's the best way to drop you off at school now! I sit you at the table, open the bowl & it's on!! No one better even think about touching your fruit! You are very protective of that bowl!! Seriously! So funny!! You brush your own teeth now too!! 

The white kitty is your new favorite car pal! 

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! You make me happy when skies are gray!

I love you, 


  1. I see a hint of ginger hair... :) She is growing up way too fast. Time needs to slow down!

  2. All these pictures are killing me - her smile is such perfection!!! Pure happiness. And that picture of the red hair - wow!! <3

  3. Loved all the time with you this weekend Reme!! xoxo
