Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 2 Year 1

Réme Lynn,

Thursdays are going to be the new post day and I'm not used to that yet! 

I have to tell you that turning one seems to have flipped a switch in you. Suddenly you're a new kid! 

Sleeping through the night (I probably just jinxed us), talking up a storm, taking more steps on your own, mimicking movements, sounds and songs! It's amazing! Your new word is dada! You know who he is and you say it all the time! We've also discovered that yellow is your favorite color! You pick out the yellow balls, blocks, letters and scarves! It's really neat to see that happen! 

You had your one year check up and are progressing well! You are a little low on iron but other than that you're a healthy girl! 20lbs & 29 inches! 

We went to this really cool place called the Discovery Center to celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday and we all had a blast! We will for sure go again and explore all of the neat things they have!

It's so exciting to see you explore, learn and grow!! 

I love you my little Chica,

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to see her little personality grow and experience all the new things she is learning! Love that pic with the yellow ball!
    Yay for Thursdays now...XO!
