Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 22 Year 1

Réme Lynn,
This week we/you experienced the best drop off ever! Montessori school is set up for a child led independent environment. The cubbies where you keep your things, the toilet, the sink, the refridgerator, the microwave, the toys, chairs, tables, everything are all your size! So we walked in on Wednesday and we carried your lunch bag to the fridge, you put your milk, water & lunch away. Then while we walked to your cubby, you stopped to give your friend Annie a hug! You put your lunch bag away, gave me a high five a hug and then walked to you teacher! I literally danced out the door! So proud of you baby! 

Not everyday was that good but each day was so much better than last week! You are learning so much! Signs, letters, emotions, counting, sharing and more! 

We had a really fun weekend! Brunch with girlfriends, Aundrey's 1st birthday, watermelon festival and we even had dinner with your friend Brynn from your old school! 

You were insistant on wearing your dress shoes!!

You turned 17 months old on Sunday too! How is that possible! 

I love you my sweet growing up too quickly angel!


1 comment:

  1. So glad about the school drop-offs! And that picture of you two on the's just perfection!
