Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 15 Year 2

Reme Lynn,

We now have 2 solid weeks of the "big school" under our belts and while drop offs are mostly emotional, I can tell you are really enjoying it!

They have all kinds of special days planned for you all this summer like water day, ice cream day, bike day, petting zoo day and more! It will be a ton of fun! Just like summer should be!

We have enjoyed some nice outings during the week this week! We met up with Jaime and Mollie for some snow cones and a walk on the putt putt golf course and then you and I went to the East Nashville Farmer's Market!

You only wear a diaper at go to bed at night and you have been a rock star using the restroom in public! We take your princess potty seat cover with us most of the time and that helps a lot! We did have one instance this week that just broke my heart. You chose not to use the restroom after grocery shopping (in hindsight I should have been more adamant about making you go) and once we got on the road you began to show signs of needing to go. You held and held it and I could tell it was starting to hurt so we pulled over and I tried to get you to go on the curb but you wouldn't and so we put a diaper on you so you could go but you wouldn't and decided to hold it until we got home. You screamed in agony all the way home, luckily it wasn't too far but my heart was breaking for you! Once we got home, we quickly ran inside and even after you got to go, you were so worked up that it took a good long while to calm down. We will now travel with a little potty chair in case this happens again!

We welcomed to the world Lily Marie Marti on 5/30/15
This is your cousin Meredith's little girl! So that makes her your 2nd cousin (I think)! 

We celebrated your good friend and classmate Avery's birthday! It was a beautiful day for it and everyone had so much fun!

You chose to only eat the sprinkles! 

Once you get wet (even just a little) you have to take off whatever you are wearing so you ran around the latter part of the party naked and were soon joined by Annie! It was pretty cute!

On Sunday we had a family lunch date with the Goldens and the Murdocks!

You look so tall here to me! 

We wanted to do a little mini photo shoot with you girls so we got you all dressed up in Chucks and Tutus! I thought for SURE you would NEVER wear anything on your head and would run screaming but actually you did the opposite! You were a little modeling angel! I was blown away!

You never cease to amaze me!

I love you,

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