Saturday, August 15, 2015

Week 24 Year 2 (Part 1)

Part 1 of Grandma Week

Gma's (Gmomma) Visit

Reme Lynn,

You have been super spoiled this last week! 

Gma showed up with a bundle of goodies! As if her presence wasn't "present" enough! We picked her up from the airport on Friday night (7/31/15) and went to have some dinner. Then when we got home you two raced to the bedroom for the unveiling! It started with some bed jumping and then followed by the "never ending" present reveal! She brought you new outfits, books, games & toys! You two had a ball and it was such a joy to watch!

The next morning we did our normal morning ritual of snacking breakfast type items, playing, having tea and watching those silly videos on YouTube and then we headed off to Boro Beach in Murfreesboro. It's a local water park and it was pretty cool! I'm glad we got there early because it wasn't too busy and it wasn't too hot! We enjoyed ourselves for a while and then off to more shopping!

As you know we have been on the prowl to complete our princess Play Doh kingdom and only lacked the Aurora we found it!

Oh the glasses - I wish you would wear them all the time!

You spent Saturday night with Gma all by yourself (so mommy and daddy could have a date night) and then on Sunday morning....drumroll...........

We made WAFFLES!

 Followed by a romp at the zoo checking out their new tortoise exhibit! 

You were a little freaked out by the tortoises but to be totally honest, I was a little bit too! They move faster than you would think and they like sparkly things (cue sparkle shoes)!

More spoiling and one on one time with the Gma continued Monday through Tuesday!

Tuesday was the "Changing of the Guards"...well the Grands! Grandma Nan and Gma got to visit a bit and then luck be have it Gma's flight was delayed so she was able to join us for dinner!

It was so hard to see her go! Your Gma (by the way, that's my momma) loves you so much! She is an incredibly smart, versatile and loving person! She has taught me so much in life! I hope to share that with you some day! (Psst...I've already started)

Bring on the next Grandma....

Love you so much,
Youre Momma!

P.S. I got to meet Baby Max!! He's quite adorable! I'm hoping the next time we see him together, you will be more accepting of me touching another human being under the age of 5!

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