Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week 24 Year 2 (Part 2)

Part II of Grandma Week

Mimi's (Grandma Nan) Visit
Reme Lynn, 

Once again, you were showered with MORE gifts! I'm so glad that you were but I hope that your Grandmas know that we are so thankful just to have them here! Mimi surprised you with new coloring books and art supplies, a new game and a special stuffed puppy from Aubrey. It was one she made especially for you at Build-a-Bear. You loved hers while we were in the Outer Banks so she thought you'd love one of your own and you did! You named her Sparkle and she even has her own outfits! 

On Wednesday we had plans to have dinner with your daddy's former music teacher Carla & her family! (He helped her son get a new guitar) So we had dinner INSIDE the Rainforest Cafe! What a treat! We also just happened to be at "the shops" so just HAD to stop by the Disney Store! There you spotted the Princess Tea Party set that you watch on YouTube all of the time and you grabbed that box and it was game over! You were so incredibly excited! Of course Mimi bought that for you! Then Daddy bought you some new Legos! See what I mean by spoiled???!!! 

You had so much fun with Mimi each day while your dad and I worked. You took a few long naps and were very rested when we came home!
Finally the weekend! Friday we met up with the Goldens and Murdocks at Arrington Vineyards for a nice relaxing evening! All of you kids explored the grape vines, played with toys, rolled around and had a great time! The adults did too by the way! It was a perfect night!

Saturday I had plans to be with my friends to celebrate Aunt Cole's birthday so you got some fun alone time with just you, Mimi and Daddy! You three went did some more shopping at Home Goods (where you procured yes...more toys) and then you went back to Little Treasures! 

Aunt Mindy, Grandpa, Aubrey & Uncle John sent pictures of them at the Cattaraugus County Fair!
Mimi left super early on Sunday morning! 

Phew what a week! These times are so precious to all of us! You are growing up so quickly! You have an immense vocabulary, you love to sing, play tea party & Play Doh, "puddle", play games and you carefully and gently take care of all of your "friends" (which are your stuffed animals and dolls)-(they alternate favorites, we never know which one it will be for the day). It is such a delight to the heart to watch. You make them all pallets on the floor, cover them up and pat them while saying, "I'm right here, I'm right here"! Such a gentle and loving soul! 

I love you baby girl,

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