Wednesday, April 10, 2013

7 Weeks

More Adventures of Confident Mom and Baby Sweet Cheeks

Hello baby girl,

Boy oh boy this has been a great week! You are so amazing. I know I sound like a broken record but literally you are a different child every day. Your routine changes, your demeanor changes, you change. It's so fascinating! We have been very busy this week! You are so getting used to your car seat too!

It was rainy on Thursday so we just chilled out at home and our friend Angie came over to watch movies. You were very good the entire day until your "witching hour" (which can be anywhere from an hour to 5 hours long between the hours of 5pm and 9pm).

One of your favorite things to do is to hang out on the couch spread eagle until you pass out! So sweet!

That's that way you've liked to hang out since you were born too!
My how you have grown!
Friday we had lunch with my mommy group but only us and Auntie Jaime were able to make it so we got a bonus day with Jaime this week! Yay! We love her! She has been so much help with to us. She really is one of my best friends! Then we went for a nice walk in the park with Angie and our doggies! You were so good the entire day! 

Your Great Grandfather (Papaw) and your Great(est) Aunt Melissa came to town this weekend to see you! You are Great Grandchild #1 for him and he was so excited to see you! We were on the go go go all weekend long!
A trip to Walmart so Melissa could buy all of the supplies she needed to make us freezer meals to last us forever! She worked so hard all weekend long! We're set! We've got enchiladas, chicken dumplings, pulled pork, beef tips, meatloaf and chicken pot pies!!

Sunday we went to church and I was so proud of you! Even with all of the rocking loud music you slept through the entire service! After that we went to Nolensville for some antique shopping! Your Papaw is so very proud of you! He just beams when he talks about you and how he married your daddy and I! 
You seem to like the Baby Bjorn just fine! So many people stopped me to take a look at my sleeping angel!

Monday we were off to an early start! We went to the Loveless Cafe & Antique Archeology. 
Yep...there you are being perfect as usual!

Now don't get me wrong, you're not perfect all day everyday. Well okay you are but you have moments that you are an unhappy child and cry and cry. We go through the laundry list of things and eventually get you to calm down. Daddy has the magic touch most of the times and a bath almost always works! You love taking a bath! You even got mad at me when I took you out of the bath today!

Tuesday we went and had lunch with daddy at his work and then took Stella for a walk!

It's getting so nice outside! I'm so glad that you like being outside my sweet! It's going to be a great summer!

Today to "celebrate" the seventh week of your life we went to our friend Alli's house to see her and Tanner and had lunch and then went for a walk and then we went to see Auntie BK & CC and did a fun photo shoot with all of us! You were a bit fussy during the shoot but it had been a long day for you and I think you were ready for some downtime!

So there you have it! A very full week my sweet! I am so enthralled with you! You are doing so very well! You are giving me more and more adorable smiles everyday! 

Okay so that one's not a smile but just look at that face!!

 You also had your first projectile poop this week! It was super hilarious! Your daddy and I laughed and laughed and laughed! It was so loud and literally shot across the room! Nice shot kiddo!

I have a new favorite love handle this week! I always rub it while you're nursing! It's edible really!

You are so loved my dear child! Thank you for a wonderful week! Thank you for being such a great adventure partner! 

I love you so much!


  1. Yay for confident mommy!! I love all of her little folds too and am SO happy I got to see both of you yesterday. :) :) :)

    Glad you've had such a great week!

  2. OH MY GOSH...THose smiles and that pursed lip face about had me falling out of my chair. So beyond cute!!
    And I'm so glad she is getting used to her carseat ;)
