Wednesday, June 5, 2013

15 Weeks

Sweet Reme Lynn,
So you are doing the COOLEST  thing this week, "talking" and I mean A LOT! You will "talk" for an hour straight! I love, love, love, love this! It pretty much started when I picked you up from day care on Friday. You now go to Una Baptist Child Care Center and we love it! You have many teachers that play with you throughout the day. You have your own crib, which you hardly sleep in but will on occasion. Lots and lots of toys, mats, chairs and swings. There are three other babies in the room close to your age, Daniel, Peyton & Bryn. Well on Friday I was walking down the hall & I could hear you screech! When I opened the door, I saw you on a play mat next to Daniel, just talking and laughing and screeching. It was the most adorable thing! You had a lot to say and you were very excited to say it! I sat and listened to you for a good three or four minutes. Daniel did not seem so impressed but more tolerant than anything. Your teacher Mrs. Catherine was changing Peyton at the time and said you had been doing that for a while. Then when she put Peyton down you went crazy! You grabbed at your shirt and rubbed her arm and "talked" and "talked" and "talked"! It brought tears to my eyes! It was just so very precious!

We had plans to meet up with Jaime & Mollie at Wave Country. Your first encounter with a swimming pool! We got you covered with lotion and dressed up and hit the water and WHOA it was cold! You weren't real happy about it at first but got used to it. Then the waves started coming. I had you on my shoulder walking around and not five minutes later you were out like a light! The soothing sounds of the ocean must have done it! We've got more water adventures coming up with weekend and I can't wait! It's been a too long since we've spent time with the gang!

When we got home later that day, you were one big chatter box! I have a ton of video to show around! It is the most adorable sound! I love you baby girl! You'll be saying real words in no time!

The next day we decided to become Nashville Zoo members and took you to the zoo! We had a blast! Met up with the Adventure Duo Mollie Jaime and started exploring! You were in awe of the place! Just really taking it all in! I was so impressed! We'll be back there and often for sure1

We've been out for several walks at the park this week too! Sometimes you like your stroller, sometimes you like to be held and most recently you were digging your Baby Bjorn! You gave me quite the workout adding fourteen extra pounds!

Your current developments are just so fascinating! You sleep a solid nine hours straight at night, you suck your lips, you study your hands, you love to play with your orange monkey, you still hate your car seat, you are unbelievably observant, you just hang out and take it all in, you're "talking", your blowing spit bubbles, you arch your back and straighten those legs and are preparing to rollover any day now too! I'm in awe of you my love!

All my loving,


  1. Oh, I love this so much!! So glad you are loving the new school. Makes hy heart happy. Can't WAIT to see you guys this weekend!!!!!

  2. Love all the talking - the video you sent was just too cute! Glad you love her new school! Sorry we didn't get to catch up more this weekend!
