Wednesday, June 19, 2013

17 Weeks

Reme Lynn,
You rolled over! You rolled over!!!! What an exciting event! Unfortunately I missed it in person the first time you did it but your daddy was there! I was at a play and he sent me a video text. Lucky for me you liked doing it and did it over and over the next day! We called your grandpas to show them your new trick. We said it was your father's day present to them and what better present than that!?
I think your daddy had a very nice father's day this weekend. We told him he could do anything he wanted to do and do you know what he did? Your laundry! Yep! That's the kind of dad you have my precious girl. The most selfless and loving daddy ever! He is so good to us! You spent a lot to time with him this week and really started to warm up to him too. Snuggling, cooing and rolling over!

It was your puppy sister Stella's birthday on Thursday and we did our annual celebration of talking her for a walk in the park and a trip to Petco where she gets to pick out a toy and treats! We had a blast! She's a good sister and you love her!

Well it was bound to happen sooner or later but you experienced your first day care injury. You were playing on a mat with your friends and one of them accidentally scratched your face. Apparently you didn't fuss too much about it, I'm pretty sure it looks worse than it feels!


Your other eye is starting to ooze some puss now too which I'm sure is unrelated. The doctor said it is most likely allergies. We'll just keep a close "eye" on it! Ha! No pun intended! 

We've been considering moving you to your bedroom now. I'm so used to you sleeping next to your bed that the thought of having you all the way across the house is daunting for me but it's getting close to that time. I'm gonna miss reaching over every few hours of the night to check on you. I just love having you near! 

You're getting more jealous in the bath now too! You're really getting into kicking and splashing the water

Big giant hugs to you my princess!
Love you,


  1. Big giril! Yay for rolling over RL!! Moving to the room is very daunting, but you will get used to it and so will she. Good luck and I can't wait to see you girls tonight!!!
