Wednesday, October 9, 2013

33 Weeks,

Phew! Another busy week but full of fun! It started with your Gmomma coming to town to visit us! You two were able to spend some good quality time together. You stayed home from school on both Thursday and Friday. She said that by Friday you had her good and trained! She brought you a bunch of goodies! Outfits, a new Sophie, a Sophie book, and a Sleepy Elmo! She's so good to us! I'm glad that you were able to bond and get to know each other better!

On Saturday we met Jaime & Mollie at the Hermitage Fall Festival! We had a great time! We walked around, did some shopping, watched a sweet play that some dear friends of ours performed, checked out some pumpkins and played with some musical instruments. 

Then we took Stella to the dog park and walked around Centennial Park! Your new favorite thing to do is to sit in the grass and play with the leaves (you try hard to eat them too). I watch you develop these interest and explore your surroundings and I can't help but to fantasize about what you'll want to be when you grown up! A Master Gardener like your Mimi because you love to play in the dirt? A swimmer because you love the water? A singer because you love to hum, screech and test the volume of your voice? Yes it's way too early to tell but it's irresistible to daydream about!

You have all kinds of news things that you're doing. You have become obsessed with your tongue! It's out all of the time. Totally cracks your daddy and I up! 

Your reaction when you see me after a few hours or while you're at school is new and different all of the time. The other day you took one look at me and screamed really loud like I scared you and then started to cry. You do that a lot, cry when you see me and you sometimes do this grunt cry thing and wiggle your little legs until I come pick you up and then there are times that I pick you up from school and you'll take one look at me and not flinch and continue to do whatever it was that you were doing. Like, "oh's you...what's up". No matter how you react it is by far one of the best parts of my day!

You slept through the night for about a week and now you're up every few hours again. We think it's because you are teething something fierce! You have two teeth now! They are too cute!

You have added  mango and pineapple to your list of foods! You're crazy about the mango and a little cautious about the pineapple. You've also tried carrots which you like if they are warm. You don't like anything cold really. I want to find a good teething biscuit for you soon! I think you'll really like that!

We got some much needed time with the girls and the babies tonight! It was so nice to sit around and talk and just look at their comforting, sweet and beautiful faces! Our gang is getting bigger all the time!

You have bumped your head about a million times lately! You'll be sitting and then lean far over your ankles and try to get on your belly but you don't catch yourself! We've been doing our best encouraging you to crawl but you still don't seem all that into just yet! We're being patient though especially since we have done zero to safety proof the house! "Crawling is a must" - Aunt Mindy (and she knows her stuff!)

I love our adventures and I so love being your mommy!!!

Sweet dreams,

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