Wednesday, October 16, 2013

34 Weeks

Hello my sweet pumpkin,

It has been a week of high highs and low lows my love. Remember how I was telling you about how life is one big crazy roller coaster ride? I'll start with the highs! First of all, you have the best expressions! You also have the most hilarious reactions to things. You do this grunt when you see me for the first time in a while or when you are trying to get someones attention. I don't know how to describe it to be able to remember it well but it's kind of like you're grunting,"Um excuse me...hello" It's absolutely adorable! Friday night we went out for some sushi and you were so good! You just chilled out and ate some mango and banana and watched the sushi train go by! Thank you for that!
Then Saturday we did our annual trip to Oktoberfest! It has been a year now since we've known that you were a girl! You wore your Aunt Mindy's dress from when she was a little girl and you were a hit!! People would stop and take pictures of you and with you! You also had your first pony ride and you loved it! 

Sunday you were not feeling well at all. You were running a fever and just wanted to snuggle and rest and that is exactly what we did! You seemed very sensitive to sounds and I was (am) a little worried you may have an ear infection but other than favoring the back of your head a little you seem fine. You woke up Monday morning with no fever and all smiles!

We got some very sad news Monday morning though. Your Great Uncle Chuck Winship (Mimi's brother) passed away on Sunday night. It is so tragic. He had been battling cancer for quite some time and gave it one heck of a fight too! Cancer sucks! I'm not really sure how to approach and explain the subject of death right now. The words aren't really coming to me. All I can really say is that it's a part of life. We are only here on this earth for an unknown period of time and then we're gone. That's way it is so important to make the most of every day you're/we're here. As sad as death is we have to accept it. We have to grieve and then grow and never forgot the value and impact they had on our lives. Chuck was a wonderful man. He had a beautiful maple farm in Springwater, NY. He loved you so much. He was able to be with you at your christening in May. What a very special time and we're so glad that he shared that with us. He had a deep soothing voice and a great sense of humor. I remember so fondly a time that he drove us around the farm in his truck and explained the process of making syrup and all of the stories of the sugar shack!  We also had a very special moment walking around Allegheny Park last Christmas. We talked about the many times they visited and vacationed there and how the park had grown and the lay of the land! It was just magical really. You were in my belly at the time too so you were actually there for that!

We love  you Uncle Chuck and we will miss you so very much! Rest in Peace!

The ride is a crazy one my child but worth every second!

I love you,