Wednesday, October 23, 2013

35 Weeks

Reme Lynn,

I'm not quite sure where this week has gone! The majority of it was in the car. We drove to Salamanca and back in 3 1/2 days. You were amazing the entire trip! You were delightful even. You slept most of the time and then you played, read (well I read to you) and ate the rest of the time. It was a very nice celebration of Uncle Chuck's life. You were also able to meet all of your second cousins from the Winship side! You had fun playing with Aubrey too!

On Sunday we even managed to make it to the football stadium in time to see the Titans play on Sunday afternoon! This time you slept through the second half of the game and almost the entire time we walked to the car afterwards!

You had your heart checked out on Monday. The hole is still very small and the doctor is not worried at all. We don't have to go back for another year! Praise the Lord! While we were there though I could tell that you weren't feeling very well. Totally unrelated to your heart murmur. You had a runny nose and a little bit of a cough and by the time I took you to school you were running a slight fever. So we took you to see your pediatrician on Tuesday and you have a double ear infection! No fun! This is the first time you've ever really been "sick". You had that really high fever a while back but you were always your normal jolly self. This time not so much. You seem much better today though.

It's starting to turn very cold and it's my least favorite time of the year. It just doesn't seem like we had much of a summer. My goal for us this winter is to discover some fun indoor things to do. Crafts, games, cooking and having fun! I'm new at the whole crafty mom type stuff so bear with me but I promise to do my very best! It's holidays season too so we'll have lots of things to do and see as well!

You are working on new "words" and sounds lately including MAMA!!! Or it could me ma-ma-ma-ma but I'm pretty sure you're speaking about me! You had your first experience with Cheerios and you loved them! We have also added blueberries to your menu! You enjoy eating them but I'm not so crazy about the mess. it stains everything! 

I hope you start feeling better soon my sweet!


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