Wednesday, May 15, 2013

12 Weeks

Hey there Cheeky Monkey,

You are such a sweet little cheeky monkey too! You have been (for the most part) an angel this week. Not to jinx it but according to the "Wonder Weeks" this a "sunny" week, a week of clarity and you have just been a joy! No long fussy spells or inconsolable cries, just sweet smiles, coos and gurgles.There may be something to that book after all! If there is then you have a leap coming up in the next week or two and dark clouds are upon us! Uh oh!

Daycare continues to go well. Each day you're getting better about taking a bottle. Although you wouldn't take one from your daddy over the weekend and you were sort of back to square one on Monday. Ms. Johnson was not happy that we didn't practice with you more but we promised to try. 

You are a very observant child. You also play well on your own. Sometimes you lay on your mat at school and at home and just take in all of the sights. You like to quietly hang out in your crib too. You love to watch your mobile and look at your "fish tank"!

Sunday we celebrated our first Mother's Day together. What an amazing feeling! I'm your momma!! I love being your mommy! You woke up in a delightful mood but it didn't last long. I think you were just overly tired from the exciting weekend we had.I babysat Mollie most of the day Saturday and then Ian & Averie came over later that night so you decided not to take nap so you wouldn't miss anything! Anyway, we went and had lunch with Gabe, Illi, Anna Sofia & Alexandar at Ellendale's. Yummy! You slept the whole time! Then later that afternoon we went for a nice walk in the park with Daddy & Stella! The weather has been so beautiful! Thank you for the sweet card and gift card to Kohl's to start my new wardrobe! (Your daddy is the best!)

Words just can't express how proud I am to be your momma. You are such an exceptional little girl. I can tell you have great things in store for you! You are smart, bright and delightful. Not to mention you're about as cute as they get!! 

I love you baby girl,

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