Wednesday, May 22, 2013

13 Weeks

Dear Réme Lynn,
You're officially one quarter old! It's a funny way to look at it but I'm in advertising so I always think in broadcast calendars! 

We have had the most wonderful week!! You have been in the best mood! You're even starting to laugh! It's subtle, sort of a "gafaw" kind of like my laugh really. I'm also starting to understand your cries better. I can tell when you're hungry, that's your grunt cry! You do this little whine & turn your head when people get in your face. Not a big fan of people just yet. You totally lose it when you're tired and that one is pretty close to when you're feeling needy and just need to be on my shoulder but it stops in a split second! So even though you have been super happy knowing this makes it easier when you're bummed out! For example we went to Lauren & Mitch's gender reveal party on Friday (it's a girl!!! So super happy for them!) and at first you were all happy hanging out on my shoulder just taking in the sights then BOOM you were all over the place! Hungry, tired and over being touched, held & kissed! Meltdown all the way home!

Saturday could not have gone better! You did such a great job! Look at all the great shots we got! Your Aunt Brooke is amazing!

We love her a lot!! She loves us back! You are so beautiful my love! Inside & out!

Later that day while your dad slaved in the yard we took Stella for a walk. It was fun. We tried out the Baby Bjorn, you liked it for a while but of course were happier on my shoulder! That's how we grocery shopped on Sunday too! You propped up and checking it all out! Until you got tired and then it was meltdown time. I was so glad that we were at Publix because those people are so nice & helpful! Three people came to our recuse! They actually unloaded our cart, loaded our cart and put them in the car!!! Man, I love that place!

We are driving to New York as I type this letter! We decided to start at night and break up the trip, hopefully it'll be easier on all of us!

Thank you for making our lives complete and so full!
Love you so much,

1 comment:

  1. Brooke sure can take a good picture! You are so lucky to have a photographer friend! Shes so pretty Jess! I'm so happy for you! You seem to have found your stride and happiness...babies are amazing :)
