Wednesday, July 10, 2013

20 Weeks

Dear Reme Lynn,
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about your letters. What is it that I want you to take away from them? Life lessons? Memories that without these would be impossible to remember? A journal of our adventures? A keepsake of how much you are loved and our family history? I want them to be all of those things to you but I am also writing them for me. I don't ever want to forget these precious fleeting racing by way to fast moments that we've had. I want to remember more than just where we went and what it was like. I want to be able to remember the little things. We've had a lot of little moments this week that make me tear up now even just thinking about them. We stood in the rain and watched fireworks and you make the sweetest noises as they were lighting up the sky as if you were saying "ooo" and "ahhh". You have started to squeeze my boob while you're nursing like you are trying to get a few more drops. You also reach up and touch my face or stroke my hair. You also hum while you nurse sometimes. The night that we were just hanging out in the hotel room, you propped up on a pillow and your daddy and I laying on our bellies giving you our undivided attention. You put on quite the show. You laughed, the guffaw laugh, you cooed, you smiled so big, you put your hand out to touch our faces, you tested the volume of your voice, you'd screech really loud and then talk a little softer.

You had your first real giggle this week! Not a real belly laugh but a giggle and of all things at Stella's barking. We were walking around looking at all of the new growth in the yard and Stella was barking at a bird. You giggled! The sweetest sound ever. You haven't done it since. The way you're sitting with in a highchair at a restaurant, the look on your face is just so cool. It's like you're saying, "alright, I can dig this!"

The way we'll be driving in the car and you're sleeping then all of a sudden you'll start crying with your eyes closed for about 10 seconds and then just stop, like you're having a bad dream. You even screamed out one night in the middle of the night. You totally get that from me by the way. I never want to forget the times it's just you and me and we're sitting starring at each other, completely understanding one another without saying a word. Oh your noises, you have so many of them. I don't want to ever forget the sounds that you've been making. How does one hold on to these memories and never forget them? I guess we'll find out! I'm going to do my very best to remember the little things! I am in absolute total encompassing love with you. My sweet precious daughter.

We had some amazing adventures this week. It was the Fourth of July and we went to celebrate with some of our favorite people. "The Whitehardt Gang" Our gracious hosts Kevin and Mary threw one top notch party. We played games, ate yummy food, enjoyed many conversations and watched your second fireworks show! You did great! Being the observant child that you are you totally enjoyed just hanging out and taking it all in! You even tolerated being passed around a little bit!

The next day we were off to Atlanta to watch your daddy drive a NASCAR! It was so cool! He really loved it! You were pretty into it too until we had to go in for the meeting then you quickly got bored and decided to take a nap. You slept through the rest of the afternoon. I so think it's hilarious that you can sleep through the noise of loud race cars zooming by at 150mph!

The next day we went to the Georgia Aquarium. You LOVED it! I mean you just took in all of the sights and sounds.You didn't fuss at all! I think you liked all of the lights and moving colors the most. It was incredible! I'm so glad we got to share that with you! 

You decided to take a nap when we got to the jellyfish exhibit and slept for about an hour while you were in your carrier! That's my girl! Sleep anywhere!

It was a truly wonderful trip. 

The rest of this week has been pretty mellow. Just getting back into our routine and gearing up for another big road trip to Chicago!

I love you baby girl,


  1. This post made my heart burst! Enjoy every little moment because as you now know, it all goes by entirely too fast. You are such a great mommy! I miss you guys and need a fix ASAP!!

  2. Man, you guys are having so many amazing adventures!!! I hope your heart remembers it all :) Love you!
